Thursday, June 12, 2014

Free tickets to Sydney Opera House concert - Voices Across the Pacific Choral Festival

KIconcerts: Free Tickets, Sydney Opera House Concert
13 July 2014 at 2pm

Lux Aeterna
 – Lauridsen & Honour the Earth – Hopkins
Individual choir performances
Pre-concert talk - Body Mapping
KIconcerts: Free Tickets
for students & teachers

Festival choir conducted by Australia’s own

Dr. Heather J. Buchanan 
Professor of Music & Director of Choral Activities,
Montclair State University, NJ, USA • Licensed Andover Educator

Pre-concert talk by Dr. Buchanan
13 July 2014 at 1.15pm

Body Mapping for conductors, singers, instrumentalists.
An exploration into a vital field of study by one of America’s leading proponents

The singer uses his body both to sustain life and to cultivate his art. He can never escape from himself, for his physical life either furthers or hinders his artistic life.  
-Wilhelm Ehmann

For more info or tickets, call 02 8568 4000 

1 comment:

  1. I missed this performance in July but with all the Christmas performances that have been set up and in storage for us, I'm glad that we got to witness some of the best choirs singing in Sydney this festive season!
