Friday, June 20, 2014

Where in the world are choral greats conducting in June?

What do Leck, Buchanan, Stark, Ticheli, Habermann & Sharkova have in common?

They are all leading festivals with KIconcerts over the next 2 weeks. 

We are so proud to be associated with so many of the greats of the choral world.
2015 and 2016 see also Dilworth, Hamre, Hella Johnson, Breden, Conlon, Gentry leading KI festivals around the world.

Great talent, amazing choirs, engaging repertoire, stunning venues, breathtaking destinations!

In addition to Italy, England, Austria and Australia we also have custom tours in Ireland, Greece, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, New Zealand in the next month. Then there are our ensembles planning for Peru, India, South Africa, China in the near future!

Contact me for further information

Oliver Scofield

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Free tickets to Sydney Opera House concert - Voices Across the Pacific Choral Festival

KIconcerts: Free Tickets, Sydney Opera House Concert
13 July 2014 at 2pm

Lux Aeterna
 – Lauridsen & Honour the Earth – Hopkins
Individual choir performances
Pre-concert talk - Body Mapping
KIconcerts: Free Tickets
for students & teachers

Festival choir conducted by Australia’s own

Dr. Heather J. Buchanan 
Professor of Music & Director of Choral Activities,
Montclair State University, NJ, USA • Licensed Andover Educator

Pre-concert talk by Dr. Buchanan
13 July 2014 at 1.15pm

Body Mapping for conductors, singers, instrumentalists.
An exploration into a vital field of study by one of America’s leading proponents

The singer uses his body both to sustain life and to cultivate his art. He can never escape from himself, for his physical life either furthers or hinders his artistic life.  
-Wilhelm Ehmann

For more info or tickets, call 02 8568 4000 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Texas Children’s Choir at Normandy, France, D-Day 70 years on


Today marks the 70th anniversary of D-Day; the turning of the tide in the 2nd World War in Europe and the triumph of democracy over fascism. A day we mark in solemn remembrance. KIconcerts is proud to be assisting the Texas Children’s Choir as it sings in various official capacities in Northern France this week and attended today’s commemoration at the American Cemetery as guests of Presidents Obama and Hollande. (see invite)

Three days ago the choir arrived from Texas and later that day they were performing for WWII veterans at the Saint Lo Memorial Hospital. This is a glimpse of the remarkable interaction between singers and some of the surviving heroes from 70 years ago.

KIconcerts: Texas Children's Choir, Normandy France
We wish TCC well as they take part in the official activities to honor all of those who fought for the ideals of lasting peace, democracy and freedom from tyranny. They will sing at Omaha Beach before their finale at the Notre Dame in Paris. We salute the efforts and talents of all associated with these great singing ambassadors representing San Antonio, Texas, the USA and all the world’s young people.

Every musician we have ever hosted to perform at the American Cemetery, lay a wreath and honor the fallen has experienced an emotional and life changing experience.

Music touches the depth, animates the soul and honors the sacrifice.


Oliver Scofield
Executive Chairman

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy summer - time to plan your 2015 or 2016 concert tour!

All of us at KI wish you a healthy, safe and happy summer.

We are in the office throughout, working on developing your 2015/16 touring programs. We have 33 great ensembles performing all around the world this month, starting this week with the Texas Children’s Choir performing in Northen France for D-Day 70th anniversary commemorations.

In addition to our great custom tour destinations on 4 continents we offer choir festivals led by some of the greatest in the choral world:

Contact me to discuss these options further or visit us in DC at our Chorus America booth.

Be safe, travel well, stay in touch

Oliver Scofield
Executive Chairman