I look forward to seeing those of you interested in our Ireland Festival at ACDA later this month and am happy to be in email contact with any not going to SLC and who wish to discuss the festival.
KIconcerts has announced they are passing on all the savings from the strengthening of the Euro making most packages around $200 cheaper than when quoted last year. This is an exciting development which I hope enable you to think about your choir or a smaller group of singers joining us for this incredible musical, cultural, and personal experience in Ireland - the Emerald Isle. If you cannot bring your entire choir, a small group of singers might enjoy the experience with the massed choir.
Ireland is full of stunning landscapes, inspirational locations, rich history, and magical warmth. Ireland’s music and dance have become beloved throughout the world. We will experience the culture that inspired this great art. The best part of the tour, of course, is making music in carefully selected venues for Irish audiences. Having toured Ireland with the Ithaca College Women’s Chorale, I can assure you that the audiences are warm, welcoming, and friendly, and singers in this environment perform with a tangible heightened excitement and energy.
Your choir will join other superb choirs for the festival performances and will have the opportunity to perform as individual choirs in astounding venues.
I would be honored to have you join me, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you and your singers.
Ádh mór agus gach dea-ghuí
(May the road rise to meet you)
Dr. Janet Galván

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