Monday, February 10, 2014

3 KI updates for choirs


I wanted to take a moment of your time with 3 pieces of news:
  1. Our international travel packages now include a travel insurance policy at no cost to you or your travelers – those who want greater benefits can easily upgrade their policy
  2. KI is proud to have been invited to be the lead sponsor for the Chorus America conference in DC in June – this is a substantial investment by us in a very worthy organization and we hope to see as many of you there as possible
  3. We are delighted to announce a new appointment to the KI head office team…Adam Maas joins us from mid-February as Client Relations Director. Adam has a solid background in music, business and sales. Adam will be working with me to strengthen our relationships with existing and new clients.
Many thanks for your attention and support over the past 30 years – we know KI’s best is still to come as we surround ourselves with great clients, festival leaders, staff members and passionate overseas partners who help us host you every step of the way.

Oliver Scofield

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