Saturday, January 14, 2012

KIconcerts New Year choir festival - Southwark Cathedral with Simon Carrington

Bristol Cathedrali-r6WK8jv-XLi-ttp73TG-X2i-t4R4QW9-XL

KIconcerts was honored to present Simon Carrington and the Festival Gala Choir in London's Southwark Cathedral earlier earlier this month in a performance of the Coronation Anthems to welcome the year in which the Queen celebrates the 60th anniversary of her coronation and the Summer Games are staged (July/August).

In the presence of the representative of the Ambassador for the United States of America, an (over) capacity audience enjoyed the individual and combined performances by the Southern Connecticut State University Choir and Christopher Newport University Women's Chorus choirs together with singers from Texas A&M International University, Laredo Philharmonic Chorale and Westchester Chorale.

It was a night of triumphs including raising £2,000 for a local hospice!

Join us in England for custom or festival tours in 2013 and 2014 including a festival led by Jonathan Willcocks. Places are still open for individual basses, tenors and altos to sing in the ACDA National Youth Honor Choir to be presented in England in the summer of 2012 under the direction of Simon Carrington.
Photos by: Isabel Chenowet, Public Affairs, Southern Connecticut State University


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Raising money for a local hospice is a charitable act. I support this kind of programs.

    hospice care
