I hope my note finds you doing well.
Will you be attending the National ACDA Convention this month? I am hoping to meet with directors and choirs interested in touring to Ireland with me in 2016.
As you may have seen the Euro is dropping and KIconcerts is passing all of these benefits on immediately. This means that the price for the festival is already $200 cheaper per person than it was when the festival was announced 6 months ago!
If you are coming to Salt Lake City and wish to discuss the festival, please know you are invited as our guest to a dinner I am co-hosting with KIconcerts on Wednesday, February 26.
In case you are not attending the convention this time, please feel free to email me or the great team at KI back with any questions or requests for further information.
I am delighted to be conducting the Middle School/Junior High Girls Honor Choir this year for ACDA and equally so to be leading a festival in Ireland – a country of unique culture and history, spirited musical traditions, and, of course, magic!
Please, let us know if you are considering joining us in Ireland and, if you are in SLC, for dinner on the 25th.
Warm wishes,
Elena Sharkova

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