Friday, September 7, 2012

Craig Hella Johnson invites you to join the Ano Nuevo Festival in Spain - New Year 2013

I want to invite you to consider joining the Ano Nuevo Festival I am leading over New Year 2013.

The festival will bring fine singers together from around the U.S. to sing in the beautiful city of Barcelona – festival details. We invite full ensembles or groups of singers (and their friends) to join us for the combined gala concert and for individual concerts as you wish.

December 28, 2013 will be a great time of year to travel, airfares are at their cheapest, the Mediterranean is temperate and we get to celebrate New Year's Eve in an extraordinary world city that is vibrant and colorful at any time of year! Indeed, I know people who love the city so much they use the name as an adjective to express the indescribable..."Barcelona."

I will be shaping a program structure that will illuminate the gifts of each individual choir while crafting a gala concert which will be a joyous celebration of the power of singing together. It will be so exciting to have this opportunity to gather with friends, old and new, who love choral singing for this feast of music making.

Be in contact with me regarding the music and with KIconcerts for touring information.

I look forward to exploring magnificent Barcelona with you.

– Craig Hella Johnson

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