Thursday, October 24, 2013

Passion of Italy - Henry Leck Choral Festival - summer 2015

KIconcerts: Passion of Italy, Henry Leck Choral Festival - summer 2015

Your invitation to perform in Italy!

I hope you might be in a position to consider this invitation to perform with me in Rome in late June/early July 2015.

Join with other fine young choirs as we meet in Rome to rehearse and then perform both individually and as a festival choir singing Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica and in the festival gala concert. For those that wish it, travel with me to Tuscany for a further gala concert in Florence.

I am drawn once again to Italy, the land of the renaissance, of awe inspiring venues and the origin of so much of our music. The food, the extraordinary power of Rome, the endless Tuscan vistas, the thrill of Florence, …this is the tapestry upon which we weave our performances

Henry Leck

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Friday, October 11, 2013

♪ Italy’s Notes of Joy Festival – Rome, June 2015

KIconcerts: Italy's Notes of Joy Choir Festival - Rome, June 2015

An invitation to sing in the 

Rome Choir Festival!

When I was 16 years old, I had the privilege of traveling with my high school choral and instrumental ensembles to France, England and Ireland. It was a remarkable and life-changing journey.

Because of that opportunity in my youth, I learned to appreciate other cultures, to absorb the historic beauty of European cities and countryside, to make life-long friendships and to create music beyond anything I had ever experienced.

In part this is why I have accepted the invitation to lead the Notes of Joy festival - hoping to help make the same kind of opportunity available to other singers. Perhaps there is no-where better in the world to take our music than to Italy - the source of so much of our music and inspiration.

Traveling to Italy enables you to sing in glorious centuries-old cathedrals, see magnificent frescos by Michelangelo, savor the aromas of authentic Italian food, and hear the Italian language spoken - the operatic language of so many Verdi, Puccini and Mozart operas.

Join me in creating music and memories that will stay with you for a lifetime

Gregory Gentry

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Choral Odyssey Greece June 2015 with Anna Hamre

KIconcerts' Choral Odyssey Greece June 2015 with Anna Hamre

An invitation to Choral Odyssey Greece!

Join us on our choral odyssey to the land of Homer and Euripides. Explore the land of Zeus, Apollo, and the other Olympian gods. View the structural perfection that defines the Parthenon. Imagine the ancient Colossus presiding over the harbor at Rhodes.

Greece is the culture that formed our understandings of democracy and our notions of civilization. Enjoy the beauty and cuisine of the Mediterranean while we explore the city of Plato and Aristotle. As we visit Delphi, recall the troubled warriors who journeyed there to consult the oracles. Wander with us as we evoke the words of the great Socrates, who said, “Wisdom begins in wonder.”

Artists remember that Greece is the home of the Muses: writers continually search for their muses, travelers visit museums, and those with free time amuse themselves. We will make music in the land of Orpheus!

Join us in Athens and on the Greek Islands Cruise in June, 2015!

Anna Hamre